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samal design

samal design has some nice concept ideas on their website.

michael johansson

wonderful installations by michael johansson.
i love how he perfectly he makes the objects fit together!

matt w. moore

"These paintings were created entirely with spray paint, one of Matt's favorite mediums. But the designs are very clean, and appear almost digital in their precise details and craft. An honest, analog attempt to achieve the same depth and abstract geometry of his digital "Vectorfunk" style. The goal with each work is to have the viewers eye fall into the piece and get lost in the optical illusions, trying to figure out what is up, down, left, and right."

elvis & kresse

i want this messenger bag by elvis & kresse! as an extra bonus, 50% of profits from the fire-hose line are donated to the Fire Fighters Charity.
"Elvis & Kresse creates stunning life-style accessories by re-engineering seemingly useless wastes. The innovative and pioneering Fire-Hose range is made exclusively from genuine de-commissioned British fire brigade hoses which, after a distinguished career fighting fires and saving lives, were otherwise destined for landfill."

nick van woert

untitled, plaster bust and plastic, 2009
i love van woert's series of plaster busts. i especially like how tactile and sticky the blue plastic looks on this one.

huvi - design & art direction

awesome work by huvi - design & art direction.
definitely check out their website!

stacey rozich

check out the drawings on stacey rozich's blog.
i love the colors and patterns in the clothing.

julian faulhaber

julian faulhaber has some really nice photography on his website.

kyouei design

liquid lamp and bookmark by kyouei design
kyouei design is small firm based out of shizouka city, japan.

charles clary

"Charles Clary, a Tennessee based artist, layers paper while creating environments, landscapes and organic life forms. His work is viral and literally transformative. Whether is protruding or recessive, Charles Clary seeks to capture not only the viewers but also the spatial qualities where his work sits."